They are constituted by a suspender or supported chute and are equipped with one-way vibration; their assembling is really simple and low costing. Those feeders have a very little wear since the material doesn’t slide.
If necessary the feeders can be equipped with interchangeable and preventing wear sheets.
Capacity can be set changing the excursions and frequency of oscillation.
The Comotti virating feeders (open, closed or tubular) can solve any problem in feeding.
They also can be used as rougher extractor before crusher.

Our Company can manufactures special machines designed on request.
  • Suspended o supported assembling.
  • Open, closed or tubular.
  • Suspended chute dimensions from 400x850 mm to 1000x1500 mm
  • Feeding from 0 to 300 mm
  • Flow rate control from 20 to 150 mc/h